The Benefits of Installing a Home Charger for Electric Cars in Ireland

Concept of Home Charger for Electric Cars in Ireland

Installing a home charger for electric cars in Ireland offers convenience, cost savings, and enhanced control over your vehicle’s charging process.

It eliminates the reliance on public charging stations, providing the luxury of charging your EV in the comfort of your home.

Moreover, charging at home can be significantly cheaper than public stations, especially when leveraging off-peak electricity rates. Additionally, it allows you to dictate the charging schedule, aligning with your daily routines and car usage. But before setting up your home charger, you may want to see exactly how many solar panels it would take to charge a Tesla.

Read on as we delve deeper into the advantages that home charging can bring, from saving money to gaining control over your EV’s charging schedule.

The Necessity of Home Electric Car Chargers in Ireland

Woman charging electric car by her house

Ireland has been improving its public charging network for electric vehicles. However, as is the case with any growing market, demand often outpaces supply. While the government is investing in this space, the reality is that there are still gaps.

You might be queuing up at public charging stations, especially in more populated areas. And for anyone who has had to wait for a petrol pump, we all know how frustrating that can be, right? Now, imagine if, instead of 5 minutes, you’re waiting around for hours to get your car charged. It’s not quite the future of convenience we were all picturing with EVs.

That’s where a home EV charger swoops in to save the day. You see, having a home charger is like having your fueling station. Think about it: No queues, no waiting around, and no need to plan your day around when and where you’ll find an available charger. Your charger is always at your service.

And it’s not just about availability; it’s also about the time you save. The faster charging rates offered by dedicated home EV chargers mean your car gets to full power quicker than most standard public charging stations. Besides, overnight charging at home ensures your car is ready to roll when you wake up. Talk about convenience!

Speaking of convenience, have you ever thought about the sheer simplicity of home charging? It’s a game-changer. Picture this: You return home after a long day, plug in your car just like you plug in your phone, and voila, your car charges while you enjoy your evening. No detours to charging stations and no stress over finding an available charger. Just a simple, effective solution that blends seamlessly into your day.

Consider the Tesla Powerwall for energy storage in Ireland to make the most of your home charger.

Are You Eligible for the Electric Vehicle Home Charger Grant?

Before you invest in a home charging setup, don’t forget to check out available grants for solar panels in Ireland to reduce your setup costs. In Ireland, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) provides a grant to support installing an electric vehicle charge point at home. This grant can help homeowners offset the cost of purchasing and installing an electric car charger for their electric vehicle.

Here are the eligibility criteria:

  • Type of Vehicle: You should own or lease an eligible new or second-hand electric vehicle. It includes battery and hybrid electric vehicles (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles).
  • Home Ownership: The electric vehicle charge point installation should happen at a private residence with off-street parking. Again, the grant does not apply to apartments or commercial property installations.
  • Grant Agreement: As a part of the grant agreement, you must commit not to install a fossil fuel heating system in your home for five years from the date of the grant offer.
  • Post-Installation: An electrician registered with the SEAI must install the electric car charger. The grant only applies to installations yet to commence, meaning work can only start after approval.
  • Charger Type: The charger must be a new, permanently wired unit connected to the dwelling’s fuse board via a dedicated circuit. The grant does not cover standard domestic sockets or ‘granny’ charging cables. Also, note that you may need to provide your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) during the application process.

The grant available is €300. However, please visit the SEAI’s official website for the most accurate and recent information or contact them directly.

How to Apply for a Home Charger Grant

Steps to Apply for the Home EV Charger Grant in Ireland

Getting a home charger for your electric vehicle in Ireland has been easier thanks to the Home Charger Grant Scheme provided by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

This government-funded support scheme aims to encourage the use of electric vehicles by helping to cover the costs of home charger installations. Here’s how you can apply:

Check Your Eligibility

Ensure you meet all the criteria of the scheme. It includes owning or leasing an eligible electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle. Furthermore, it also includes having a suitable installation location with off-street parking, agreeing to the grant terms, and ensuring that the installation has yet to start.

Get a Quote

Approach an electrician registered with Safe Electric Ireland to get a quote for installing a home charger unit. The quote should include both the charger cost and the installation charges.

Fill Out the Application

With your quote, navigate to the SEAI’s official website to complete the Home Charger Grant Scheme application form. You’ll need to provide personal details, your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN), and information about your electric vehicle.

Submit the Necessary Documents

Upload the quote from the contractor and a copy of your vehicle’s registration or leasing document along with your application.

Wait for Approval

Once submitted, the SEAI will assess your application, which may take several weeks. If approved, they’ll send an offer letter detailing the grant amount.

Installation of EV Charging Points

You can proceed with the installation after receiving the offer letter. Remember, a Safe Electric Ireland must do this registered electrician.

Claim the Grant

Upon completion of the installation, it’s time to claim the grant. You’ll need to send in a claim form, a contractor’s invoice, a completed Declaration of Works form (signed by you and the contractor), and a photo of the installed home charger unit.

Receive the Grant

The SEAI will verify your claim, and if everything checks out, they transfer the grant amount to your bank account.

8 Benefits of Installing a Home Charger for Electric Cars in Ireland

Benefits of installing an EV home charger


One of the most significant benefits is the sheer convenience it provides. Imagine the luxury of charging your vehicle at home, just as you would your smartphone. There’s no need to wait in line at public charging stations, and you can have your car charged and ready to go whenever you need it.

Reduced Charging Time

Home chargers, especially connected to a dedicated circuit, can provide faster charging times than standard public charging points or a regular household socket. It ensures your electric vehicle is charged faster and is ready to use when needed.

Financial Savings

While there’s an initial investment for the charger unit and its installation, you’ll likely notice significant savings over time. Electricity is cheaper than petrol or diesel, so charging your electric vehicle at home can save you considerable fuel costs.

Government Grants

The Irish government offers a Home Charger Grant Scheme to help offset installing an EV home charging point costs. This financial support decides to install a home charger unit more affordable.

Increase in Property Value

With the increasing shift towards electric vehicles, homes with an EV home charger can see increased property value. It’s an attractive feature for potential future buyers who own or are considering an electric vehicle.

Environmental Benefits

Charging your car at home, mainly if your energy supplier uses renewable energy sources, can help reduce your carbon footprint. Using your home charger contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of life.

Flexibility and Control

With a home charging point, you can charge your vehicle during off-peak hours when electricity rates are typically lower. This flexibility can lead to further cost savings and efficient use of energy.

Improved Battery Life

Regular and controlled charging using a home charger can enhance the battery life of your electric vehicle, maintaining its efficiency and performance in the long run.

Conclusion – Home Charger for Electric Cars Ireland

The Climate Action Plan from the Department of Transport includes targets for increasing the number of electric vehicles in Ireland. With a home charger, you’re saying goodbye to those pesky queues at the fuel station and hello to the comfort of your home. You plug in your car like your phone and let it do its thing while you do yours.

Not to mention, it’s kinder on your wallet in the long run, thanks to the lower cost of electricity compared to petrol or diesel. And remember that grant from our friends at SEAI, making it easier for you to get started.

But it’s not just about what’s in it for you. It’s about the bigger picture. With every charge, you’re contributing to a greener Ireland, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting sustainable living. Now, isn’t that a great feeling?

And let’s not forget, if you ever decide to sell your home, that charger might be the selling point that seals the deal. For deeper insights into the engineering aspects of home charging systems, the Energy Engineering Department at University College Cork can provide valuable resources.

So, to wrap it up, while the upfront cost might seem a bit daunting when you weigh up the convenience, cost savings, environmental benefits, and potential property value boost, installing a home charger for your electric car is a move that makes sense on every level. Cheers to intelligent choices and sustainable living!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car at Home?

A full charge can take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours with a 7kW home charger.

How Much Can I Save by Charging My EV at Home Compared to Fueling a Gasoline Vehicle?

The savings can be significant. Charging costs depend on your electricity tariff, but on average, it can be up to 70% cheaper to charge an EV than to fuel a gasoline car. Always consider off-peak hours for extra savings.

Can a Home Charger be Installed in Any Home?

Mostly, yes, but the home must have off-street parking and access to the electrical grid. Apartments or homes with dedicated parking may need help. Always consult with a professional installer.

Is Home Charger for Electric Cars Ireland Safe to Use?

Home chargers are designed with safety in mind. They have built-in safety features such as fault detection and weather resistance. However, they should be installed permanently by a qualified electrician.

Does Using a Home Charger Extend the Battery Life of My Electric Vehicle?

Consistent and controlled charging from a home charger can help maintain your EV’s battery health, extending its lifespan and improving performance.

Does a Home Charger Increase the Value of My Property?

Yes. With the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, properties equipped with EV home chargers can be more attractive to potential buyers, potentially increasing your home’s value.